Not Merely a Vendor

A product is only the beginning. At Cadillac Oil, we understand that customer loyalty is earned over time and not by merely providing a product. As a result, we have developed a thorough process for “tailoring and pairing” a unique product to fit your unique process, we have gradually assembled a fleet of our own bulk liquid and box delivery vehicles and we have trained a staff of experts to provide onsite technical service. These capabilities allow us to supply an optimized product, meet shorter lead times and provide higher quality service than our competition.

Tailored Product Development
Transportation & Delivery
Technical Field Service

Tailored Product Development

Many lubricant manufacturers claim to offer custom products. What this typically means is that they’re willing to modify a standard product’s viscosity or maybe even the container’s label.  At Cadillac Oil, however, we have a vastly different definition of what it means to offer a custom product, or as we prefer to say, “tailored” product.


The process of designing your product begins with an audit of your process and environment. We compile data on the ambient conditions, equipment, processing speeds, storage and shipping conditions, facility emission restrictions and much more. We then develop a complete understanding of the product’s performance requirements and assimilate all of this data until a starting formulation is chosen. This formulation is then run through a series of simulated processing and performance tests within our laboratory and modified as many times as necessary until the desired attributes are achieved … without wasting any of your valuable line time. Only once this work is complete do we initiate a confirmation trial. At the end of this process, an entirely new product has been developed and a process has been optimized.

Transportation & Delivery

In the liquid chemistry industry, transportation can be costly, complicated and hazardous. In addition, if not performed efficiently, it can create the need for excessive customer inventories, longer lead-times and poorly utilized working capital. For these reasons and more, Cadillac determined that maintaining its own staff of transportation professionals and fleet of bulk and box vehicles was a strategic necessity. This offers our customers the comfort of knowing that their products will be delivered safely, on-time and cost-effectively.

Technical Field Service

The true cost of downtime in any process is difficult to calculate. However, one thing is for sure — it is unaffordable. This is why our representatives are highly trained and technical experts and their territories are organized to ensure close proximity to all customer locations. Whether their presence is needed to address something as routine as the stability of a chemical bath or as complex as the launch of a major stamping program, you can rest assured that Cadillac technical representatives have the experience and dedication necessary to develop unique solutions to even the most challenging of issues.